WIRED - 9 x 11 Inches

Signed and numbered. Limited edition 400. The fusion of completely contemporary industrial design and commercialism never ceases to captivate me. Recently, I happened upon an extraordinary metal structure nestled within Brookfield Place, a modern building at Bay and Front St. in downtown Toronto. It served as the entrance to a former outdoor city block, now entirely enclosed within a towering skyscraper. Within its walls were housed historic turn-of-the-century bank structures, adding an additional layer of fascination.

Drawn by some unexplainable force to this enchanting spectacle, I endeavored to skillfully capture the essence of what lay before me. Moments such as these beckon for multiple photographs, ensuring the perfect shot and leaving nothing to chance, allowing me to preserve every intricate design element.

I believe I have succeeded in conveying the magnificence of this remarkable architecture. The architects responsible for this exceptional design deserve immense admiration for seamlessly blending the old with the new. Their creation, in my humble opinion, is truly astounding. It is my sincerest wish that my fine art photos do justice to the intricate details and grandeur of Brookfield Place. May you appreciate its beauty as deeply as I do.


Spirit of Ecstasy


Parlor Games